A movie that I like and a movie that I hate

Hi there!

Today I'm going to talk about a movie that I love and a movie that I hate.

First, I'd like to tell you about my favorite movie: Lost in translation. It is a story about two people who meet in a foreign country with a different culture and they get to know each other very well. They experience varied things and emotions and, at some point, they fee they are falling in love with each other but their relationship seems like an impossible dream.

It's a fun love story. I loved it from the very first time I watched it at the cinema (I've seen it many times ever since) and it was the first time I saw Scarlett Johansson (<3). It's been my favorite movie for more than twelve years.

On the other hand, one movie that I hate is American Pie. All my friends liked that movie when we were kids (a loooong time ago). They said it was funny and there were naked pretty women. False. it was very boring with stupid jokes and it showed a stereotype of  blonde "American"girls doing nothing and cool kids drinking at parties (including the captain of the football team).

Well, as you can see, I'm more into romantic stuff than silly movies.



  1. hope u see the movie that i told u. bless

  2. Completely agree whit u mate, I've never see the first one (and im gonna do it) but
    still, american pie sucks! >D when i first saw it i was like whaaat??? so stupid.
    In the 2010 i was working for a big hotel in London and i met Scarlet in person i was her waiter for almost a week so since that i watched (almost) all her's movies... but im missing Lost in Translation so i will keep in mind your advice.


    1. https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=628281742834772286#editor/target=post;postID=8699508365139541115;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postname

      here it comes my movies :D

  3. Scarlet Johansson it's good actress, she have the possibility that make a characters so enigmatic in her movies, and this more her seduction make her enchantig in any cases. I never seen American Pie complete, but I think that it's funny, and perfect for inmature people like me, I don't know , I used to laugh for everything ... well this is my opinion.

  4. Lost in translation is a work of art. I love the filming locations and everything about it. And I agree with you, American Pie is an awful movie saga. I'll never understand its popularity.

  5. I really love lost in traslation! and in the other way, I think American Pie is so so so so stupid that I can't feel anger against the movie, my aproach to the movie is in a ironic way

  6. I agree with you... American pie it's very disgusting, the other movie I haven't seen :c but I'm gonna write the name to see it soon

  7. Oh, American Pie it´s a really bad movie, and I never watch Lost in translatios, but now I like seen that .


  8. I agree with you, American pie is a movie very bad whith a comedy that borders on the ridiculous, it is very bad


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